Hydrax specialise in all kinds of lift refurbishment.
A low-cost Hydrax refurbishment leaves your lift as
good as new. It's cheaper than a new lift. It's more
thorough than a service. It's a high quality optimisation
of your lift's potential. In the shaft, Hydrax will
replace your ageing hydraulics with new finely tuned
parts. This makes your lift feel like new and give a
smoother ride. It also keeps your lift up to date with
current components and spares, ensuring that next time
you're due for a service, the spares you need are still
available. A Hydrax refurbishment facilitates future
maintenance. In the car, Hydrax will do a complete re-line
of the car, including panels, buttons, doors and everything
you need to make your lift look like new.
Hydrax works the refurbishment process around your needs,
aiming to provide fast and seamless service. With low
cost and minimal down-time, modernising and refurbishing
your lift is made easy through Hydrax. Give Hydrax a
call and let us provide your solution.
Chain Drive
For existing chain drive lifts in your care home,
maintenance can be difficult. While lift regulations
and redundant parts may leave you feeling that you may
need to buy a new lift, Hydrax offer a far cheaper and
viable alternative. Hydrax specialises in refurbishment
of old chain drive lifts for a fraction of the price
of a new lift. Hydrax works with the original design
of the lift, enhancing and modernising the components.
In the shaft, Hydrax will fit a new drive unit and controller.
This makes your lift feel like new and give a smooth
ride. It also means that your lift is now serviceable
with modern and available components, facilitating future
maintenance. In the car, Hydrax will do a complete re-line
of the car, including panels, buttons, doors and everything
you need to make your lift look like new.
Hydrax works the refurbishment process around your needs,
aiming to provide fast and seamless service. With low
cost and minimal down-time, modernising and refurbishing
your care home lift is made easy through Hydrax.